Monday, November 13, 2006

The Move

When I made the move from a grungy damp basement suite into my new digs I knew the move would be initially hard on the cat. But, I figured the move into a more upscale apartment on a second floor surrounded by large windows with ledges perfect for cat sitting would make him instantly come around.

I was told by several people to do the butter on the paws trick. What you do is as soon as you arrive at the new apartment you slather your cats paws in butter. They then immediately start licking the butter off and by the time they're done they have forgotten that they have moved. I know, I know how ridiculous. Ok, maybe I was suffering from some delusional hope springs eternal kind of thinking. I still cannot believe I actually followed this advice.

So, we arrive at the new apartment and I immediately spread butter on Sammy Jo's paws. Lots of butter. More is better, right? Of course the moment I let go he was like a cat possessed as he went flying around the apartment going from room to room frantically shaking his paws flinging butter in all directions.! Every blinking room was covered in grease spots. When he finally came to a stop he spat out a hiss and stormed off into the bathroom and refused to come out for two days. He just sat there with his fur all fluffed out and angry as all get out.

Did he forget about having made the move? Well of course not. As soon as someone opened the door he made a mad dash to freedom and immediately found his way back to the old apartment. He did this for two weeks coming home only to eat.


Alana Elliott said...

So THIS is your blog! I'll make sure to add it to my sidebar this evening, before I get too tired and forget. Thanks for adding me to yours! :)

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...


this is the funniest thing i've read all day! i can't believe you put butter on his paws! if i did that on my dog, he'd have slid all over the place (hardwood floors).

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i just read your sidebar! i love it.

Toccata said...

Hey there Alana. Welcome. Quick question did you also see the blue conversation blog? Don't worry it's not all about the cat!

How stupid! I still can't believe I actually did it 668 aka neighbour of the beast!

justacoolcat said...

He's the male version of my cat Eve. They look like twins.

Toccata said...

Hello there Just a cool cat. It's always nice to welcome a someone from Minnesota, land of the 10,000 lakes.

John Mutford said...

My cat has flown from Newfoundland to Nunavut, back to Newfoundland, driven to Manitoba, flown back to Nunavut, flown to Newfoundland and finally to Nunavut again. (Not all in the same day of course). He's a well travelled cat and is definitely used to it by now.

Toccata said...

That is some well travelled cat you got there John. I went to Newfoundland on an exchange way back in highschool and instantly fell in love with the ruggedness of the land.

John Mutford said...

Yeah, too bad the ruggedness of the land doesn't pay well.

Toccata said...

I'm with you there John. I'm from Saskatchewan and almost everyone left because there just wasn't work to be had.

Toccata said...

I'm with you there John. I'm from Saskatchewan and almost everyone left because there just wasn't work to be had.

mellowlee said...

Oh my GAWD, that made me laugh so hard! A real belly laugh, man I needed that!

I love that photo of Sammy Jo. I love it when cats show their belly. Someone once told me that it's a sign that they trust you. It makes sense to me as the belly is a vulnerable spot.

Anyways, thanks for sharing that story. *tears in eyes*

Toccata said...

Thanks Mellowlee. Sammy Jo is pretty cute. I can't believe how lucky I am that he chose me. I do think of him as a precious gift.

mellowlee said...

PS I love his markings, especially around his eyes!

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i went to newfieland on an highschool exchange!

i'm not sure i buy that belly thing. my dog does it to lure you into getting close to him, and then he bites you. :)

Toccata said...

You crack me up 668. I can just see your dog lying in wait.

I ended up in Gander for the exchange, how about you? My host family was ever so nice but all we ate were pancakes and french fries. I still will not eat pancakes!

They thought me rather odd because they watched television non-stop and I walked the woods non-stop. I remember the husband saying, "Why, there's only rocks and trees out there." Coming from Sask rocks and trees were pretty exciting!

Splinkster said...

wow so your cat liked the old pad better? how far did you move to your new place? hope you arn't floating away I heard about all the rain you are getting, looks like winter came early, actually I do miss those rainy-foggy nights, although last week we had some weird weather, there was snow on the ground and fog near Duluth pretty cool driving

Toccata said...

Luckily Splinskter the old pad was quite close by and with the wonkiness of Victoria's city planning he was able to get there via backyards and a private park even though by normal streets it was about five blocks away.

Victoria has had tons of rain but no major problems. Nanaimo is under a boil your water advisory.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

i thought of you today as my dog rolled over on his belly, and i allowed myself to be biten by him.

i think we were outside of gander. we flew into gander. i remember it was really really small. and we were all big city kids and it was a huge shock to us. i will have to look it up. my favourite part was we got to go to halifax by accident.

Toccata said...

We never got to Halifax 668 but we were on the milk run on the way out there. On the last leg into Newfoundland we got caught in a thunder and lightning storm and the plane was bucking like crazy and so many people ended up sick. I wasn't scared until the flight attendants sat down and buckled themselves in and I caught the eye of one and she looked petrified.

They had ambulance and firetrucks waiting for us just in case and it took us two trys to land successfully. The first time we were going way too fast and couldn't stop so had to swoosh back into the air and then the second time we managed to come to a bumpy rollicking stop.

Can't say I've really liked flying much since.

668 aka neighbour of the beast said...

it must be bad to fly there, as we too had a bad experience. but not nearly as bad as yours.

the calgary airport is like that too. most times, i think i am going to throw up while we do the descent.

Toccata said...

Well, thanks for the heads up. I will have to try and reroute all future flights away from Calgary!